Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Kolme Kirkossa taas! (three in church again!)

Hey everyone it is great to hear from so many of you. Thank you for your emails! I can't believe that Hayden is already old enough to do baptisms for the dead! What a wonderful experience for him. It is so fun to imagine sweet Savannah toddling around and playing with Roxy. And Callie the #thugmormon pictures in Zion make it look like you had a great time running; I'm only a slight bit jealous.

This week was another week of learning and growing, therefore a successful week. Sunday was exciting day when we had three investigators in church again! We have seen a lot of progress and growth within our investigators and feel very blessed to share this message with them and help them grow closer to Jesus Christ. Also, it is so so wonderful to see how supportive, aware, and helpful the members are in the missionary work as well. We (eli Sisar Bruce and I) ended up having to teach a Sunday School class kind of on the spot and thankfully the members in the lesson were so willing to participate and share their testimonies. That with the help of the spirit helped us squeeze by in that lesson. They have such strong testimonies and dedication to do what is right, even if it is very inconvenient. I'm really grateful for their examples. 

Fall is setting in now and the leaving are changing colors and falling off the trees. It is very pretty and great weather again. I'm very grateful to serve in such a beautiful (one might even say magical) place. With a new companion comes learning many new things and working through new challenges. I'm grateful for the things I'm learning and I'm very grateful for the truth that we know: We are Heavenly Father's children. He loves us. We can pray to him and find peace and guidance. Jesus Christ is our Savior and loving brother. He knows what we feel and is reaching out his hand.

I'm looking forward to General Conference and another good week in beautiful Suomi! 

-Sisar Clark

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