Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Ihmeellinen viikko (miraculous week)

Hello everyone :) this week was truly a miraculous week in so many ways. So miraculous I almost hesitate to tell you everything in fear that my emails in following weeks will just be too boring. So I'll only tell you everything if you promise to still support me in boring emails in the future haha. So for starters we had 6 (yes that is correct....SIX) investigators in sacrament meeting this week! It was a circus and probably hilarious to watch Sisar Bruce and I not quite sure what to do with ourselves and so many investigators. While partaking of the sacrament, I just sat in awe of how much loving patience Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have for us and are how willing they are to help and bless us abundantly in our weaknesses. In addition, we set a very solid baptismal date this week as well! And in all our lessons with this investigator, Sisar Bruce and I are practically speechless when we see how prepared he is. This week he told us of how he normally doesn't give his number to churches or come when invited etc. but just felt like he was supposed to for ours. He talked about how when we invited him to be baptized he just knew he was supposed to. And then he tells us of how when he started meeting with us he stopped smoking and going to clubs because he realized they weren't helping him come closer to God....(this was before we even taught the Word of Wisdom). Wow Heavenly Father has prepared these people in incredible ways! Anther jaw dropping quote "Ya, I think I want to get married in the temple." Not only were there miracles in the missionary work, but with me personally as well. I felt very blessed to stay positive in difficult times and blessed with energy and happiness. Wow....this week...I don't even know what else to say. Thank you for your prayers....they obviously are not going unanswered. Prayer is powerful.

A scripture that the mission is focusing on this change is D&C 123:17 "Therefore, dearly beloved brethren, let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we standstill, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed." I think this scripture really describes this week. I have absolutely seen his arm revealed and feel so blessed at this time.
I hope you are all doing well. Chris! Happy Birthday this week!! :) Chase and Sarah good luck with your move this week. I hope all goes smoothly and you are able to feel at home there soon. Thank you for your emails, prayers, love, support, and examples! I love you all so much and pray for you often.

-Sisar Clark

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