Tuesday, August 2, 2016

"niin, teillä Pyhän Hengen voimasta olisi runsas toivo."(- Romans 15:13)

I studied and pondered this scripture in preparation for a lesson about the Holy Ghost with our investigator that is preparing for baptism in August. I love that truly the Holy Ghost fills our life with hope and light...."abound in hope". I definitely need that hope this week and am so grateful for the gift of the Holy Ghost. 
The youth in Finland have a special opportunity each summer to participate in what is called a mini mission. They get to come to a companionship of missionaries and serve for a week, just as if they were a normal missionary. This year there are 23 youth (which is an incredibly large and awesome group!) and we are a lucky companionship that gets one! And we are actually the luckiest because we are the only ones that get Sisar Santos! She is actually from Brazil and has lived in Finland for a little over a year and a half. She doesn't speak Finnish too fluently and only understands a little English, but she has enough courage and excitement for the work that language barriers won't be holding her back. But I'll be completely honest, I'm a little "deer in the headlights" about how to train in Finnish, but I'm definitely excited for this opportunity to learn how to do it. 
Also, this week has started already with so many blessings. Last week was quite rough and we were feeling frustrated that so many important lessons fell through etc. but than Sunday night miracles happened and now we barely have any time left to fit people in this week. The blessings are abundant. 
Hope things are going well! I love you!
-Sisar Clark

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