Secondly, after a spirit filled and wonderful world wide missionary broadcast (which we ended up watching in Kouvola...long story and long night haha but at least we got to watch it) we saw the NORTHERN LIGHTS! There were pretty dim and we were sprinting to catch a train, but I have officially seen them and they are cool! Our world is pretty incredible.
Another interesting fact that you might be interested in is that we only have 98 missionaries in Finland right now. Small, but happy and hard working mission :). So grateful to be here.
This week I have been studying a lot about knowledge and have especially just loved reading all of the promises in the scriptures about knowledge. One of my favorites is in D&C 42:61 "If thou shalt ask, thou shalt receive revelation upon revelation, knowledge upon knowledge, that thou mayest know the mysteries and peaceable things—that which bringeth joy, that which bringeth life eternal."
Sorry, don't have tons of time this week to write, but I love you and hope that things are going well at home :)!
-Sisar Clark
pics- walking on water.....ok walking on frozen lake Saima (plus the skier in the background :) we saw a ton of skiers and ice fishers this week)
- gorgeous snow everywhere :) (eli nothing else to send sorry haha)