Quick update! Love you all so much!!
Finnish: I have been so so so blessed with the language. So far we have memorized the missionary purpose in Finnish and English, learned how to pray in Finnish, and taught four lessons to an investigator all in Finnish! What a fun week it has been! Many times at night when I lay down after my prayer, Finnish words just start running through my mind like crazy. I don't know what any of them mean most of the time ha, but still I think its pretty cool that my subconscious brain can recall things like that. I think it might be a way Heavenly Father blesses our missionary brains to learn the language ha.
Companion/district: My companion is seriously awesome (once again so blessed). We work well together and both have the same focus and goal which helps a lot! I'm really grateful for her! My district has no elders, and all of the sisters are from Utah, except one from Wisconsin. We are all so happy we don't have elders though haha it rocks. Our STL's are Adams Nover and Levanen Nover (they are the Huns...aka going to hungary) and we LOVE them!! We all just joke around and do random things with them all the time. Definitely keeps the energy and excitement going around here. One sisar in my district looks and acts just like Laura! It's so fun to have someone so patient, loving, and beautiful just like Laura around all the time! Another girl remind me of Maggie! Sisar Hyde loves anything pink and sparkly, and she loves her jewelry.
Going to LA: (Note from Becca's roommate: sometimes missionaries have to appear at the consulate in LA in order to get their visas) I learned a lot from our trip to LA. Sisar Hayter and I gave a couple pass along cards out and I felt really proud of myself because I was usually the one to reach out and talk to someone near our group first. It was actually really fun to travel as a missionary and tell everyone what you are doing etc. My favorite conversations were when we talked to a very nice woman from Ivan who is now a professor at UCLA and two Australian men going to SLC. I think we made really good impressions on them and I was happy to stand as a representative of our church! The beach was fun to see, however our bus driver took us to a kind of sketchy part of the beach ha. Speaking of our bus driver, we spent a lot of time talking about the church with him and I think some parts were good, but for the most part my companion and I felt very discouraged about it because most of the sisters seemed to just be debating with him. I felt like we just opened the door for him to ridicule Jesus Christ which was hard to take. But we got to see the LA temple too which is gorgeous and huge.
Choir: The MTC choir is awesome! So powerful! And Mom, guess what! We sang the Missionary Medley song that you did with the primary! It was so cool singing it with hundreds of different missionaries, and the director of the MTC choir is the guy who arranged it. It was really cool to hear his stories and testimony.
Random: It was really cool to meet President and Sister Burgess. They were so sweet and knew exactly who I was. It made me feel really special and loved. I'm going to stop by their office sometime to get a picture..so a picture is coming eventually.
I felt like the cool kid in school when I told two jokes this week 1) we were practicing asking questions in finnish and answering them and one of the verbs we were practicing with was johtaa (to lead) and I asked our district leader if she could lead (in finnish) and answered that she could not lead (we were all just answering and asking randomly, not paying too close attention if the answer was true) so then I loudly whispered "well that's awkward cause she is the district leader"....:) even the teacher laughed..haha yes! 2) our branch president is super strict on being on time etc. and he said multiple times things like "K you have 2 min and 13 sec to go to the bathroom" etc so one time he left for a sec and said he would be back in about four min so I said "are you sure you don't want four min and 13 sec because we are going to hold you to that?"....he laughed...it made me happy...haha.
Repentance was a big topic that was focused on this week and I thought it was really cool! Don't forget that repentance is a positive joyful thing, not something to dread. Use it daily and love it!
I love you guys so much!
- Love Sisar Clark :)